Impact of Trust to Online Purchase Intention of Business Investors

Impact of Trust to Online Purchase Intention of Business Investors

Trust is a significant factor that affects many people who used the e-commerce platform to meet their daily needs. The increasing use of e-commerce today makes us wonder what kind of e-commerce model can satisfy customers. How about the trust of the business investors’ view? Business investors are more likely cautious in making decisions. The managerial level in the Company also has a significant impact on e-commerce strategy. What trust factors influence customers’ purchase intentions? This research was conducted to find a correlation between Trust and Loyalty in e-commerce with Purchase Intention. It is therefore known that the factors trust, and loyalty affect the increase in customers’ Intention to buy. This research used Sequential Equation Modelling (SEM) to calculate the 107 data set of business investors as respondents at a business exhibition in Jakarta. Respondents were chosen using the Purposive Sampling Method. Data were analyzed model building by using Smart PLS 3.0. This research aims to know the impact of Trust to Purchase Intention of business investors as e-commerce users, to see the opportunity to sell the business to business investors. The result found that Trust to Purchase had a significant impact on Purchase Intention and found four indicators not valid nor reliable. Impact of Trust to Online Purchase Intention of Business Investors

Bridge Between Investor And Business People

E-commerce is an important business model and sales channel for many firms. Over the last few years, the online market environment has gradually changed: (1) The total number of internet users and the frequency of internet usage have significantly increased; (2) the number of online shoppers has grown tremendously, and (3) online retail sales have become profitable for firms [1] It is very important to make customer interest of e-commerce website. E-commerce is a type of business which involve products and services transaction through internet [2]. While designing the website for the online sales,
the product density also needs to be considered. Product density means the space the website takes for displaying the pictures, space arrangements and texts on the website [3].

To increase the volume and the total numbers of e- commerce users in Indonesia, to know several factors can increase customers’ purchase intention. The most important things factor in e-commerce is Trust. The behavior of ordinary e-commerce users and business investors could be different. Customers can not touch the products that sell in the e-commerce platform; on the other, business investors are
more critical in purchasing goods or services. Many researchers are doing e-commerce research with the topic related to trust [7]. It is stated that the adoption of E- commerce significantly influenced by the customers’ IT knowledge [8], so it is significant for e-commerce to keep updated with technology. This research objective is only to know the indicators of Trust that impact online Purchase Intention of business investors. This research objective is only to know the indicators of Trust that impact to online
Purchase Intention of business investors

Mostly E-commerce is common to purchase products and services, but in E-commerce is only part of E-business. In E-business not all transaction processed in a website or an application directly. For some business a website is only as a marketing channel to give information for prospective customers. E-commerce is selling and buying process through a website or an application. E-commerce was introduced and represented a solution for customers to purchase products and services by using computer network effectively [9], but on the other hand some people has critical behavior such as business investor on purchase a business online. Mostly businesses are not directly sold online, websites mostly used as marketing channel for business owner to communicate with investors. Business owners have to communicate first, meet with the prospective investors and ending the process using a platform to finish the business. Or might be, the investors and business
owner meet face to face to use it at the first time

Purchase intention is the willingness from customers to decide to purchase products or services. Online purchase intention is an event when customers doing searching, select, and purchase products in internet [9]. Online purchase intention is the ending process of e-commerce. Assume that
someone who has money and want to make investment using a platform. The investor need trust before making an investment, on the other hand the company should also has a good reputation, customers/ investors have buying experiences, willingness to purchase a business, and might be do repurchase. The business could be Multi-Level Marketing, franchise, stock exchange, foreign exchange or other
investment which using a platform for transactions