Design of Alumni Portal with Data Security College Alumni Association

Design of Alumni Portal with Data Security College Alumni Association

n alumni association consists of graduate and former students. Colleges depend on alumni to give mentoring to the students which will help the college students to have contact with the alumni of the college to get various information regarding job opportunities like industrial trends, industrial events, internships, scholarships, etc. This project manages the freshers and the old graduate students with their respective information, to actively participate in registering, searching, and managing the alumni information to get further updates. Hence, the preferred Dynamic design of the Alumni portal is to provide communication between all alumni and students. This Alumni Portal is used to give details regarding the data about colleges, Special events, Careers, and Post Campus Placements. SMS4-BSK cryptosystem is used to protect the data. Design of Alumni Portal with Data Security College Alumni Association

This is the largest donation to Yale University’s School of Management to date. Lei Zhang, who was born in the middle of China, won the first place in the college entrance examination and entered Renmin
University of China to study international finance. Then, he applied to the Yale University MBA, and received a master degree in international relations. This event arouse fierce discussion in China, focusing on why Lei Zhang did not donate money to Renmin University of China, which is his
alma mater in China, but pledge gift to Yale. “Lei Zhang event” is only an epitome to the problem that China public college unattractive to the public donation.

Most domestic scholar discuss the necessity of alumni donation from the angle of sustainable and healthy development of the public college. Some scholars figure out that social donation is an important source of college funding, a major symbol of college reputation as well as a motivation of college governance structure optimization (Gongli Luo, Xuan liang Yang, Zuhuai Li, 2006).In addition,social donation has great effect in relieving the pressure of college funding and promoting the development
of higher education(Mo Li,2004). Quan Jiang(2007) comparing the public college donation culture, donation circumstance, and social fund-raising situation both in the USA and in China. Xiaojun Wang(2008) elaborated the social donation to our public college,combining with the current situation of US social donation to the university and the establishment of foundations. From the above, most
domestic scholars approach their research with the two aspects, one is the foreign classical theory about the necessity of college donation, the other is the specific example of public college in China.

The preliminary theory model of alumni donation behavior of Chinese public colleges. This framework based on social identity theory has integrated the Mael&Ashforth’s recognition model of alumni organization and other variables influencing alumni donation behavior in the literature. Besides, “education service quality” has been introduced in the model as the independent variable. The main propose of author is the independent variables—“prestige”, “inter-organizational competition ““education service quality” and how they affect the alumni donation behavior.

This study used a structured questionnaire survey, interviewed people were asked to select the appropriate answers according to their actual donation behavior. The questions in the scale are measured by Likert five-point scale, where 1 represents completely inconsistent, 5 represents completely consistent. The questionnaire of this study is composed of three parts. The first part includes 6 questions which is the relevant description of alumni identity. The second part has 3 questions which includes
donation forms, donation amount and donation cycle. The last part describes the relevant features including prestige, organizational competition and education service quality. This study focused on the alumni donation behavior, questionnaires have been sent to the donors and the potential donors. There are three ways to distribute the questionnaires through the field and the network distribution: alumni who have donation experience, the MBA and EMBA students of these three colleges, the
students and faculty of these three students


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