Android&MERN App Projects

Employee Management Application for Small Medium Enterprise

Employee Management Application for Small Medium Enterprise

Information technology has become the basis in various companies to support operations and management so that companies in various fields have begun to develop information technology within their companies to compete in their competition. By developing information technology in a company, it can increase the productivity of a company. The objectives of this research are: Designing applications for Small and Medium Enterprises such as calculating employee absences, leave, overtime, BPJS, PPh21 to assist Small and Medium Enterprises in managing employees, designing reports that can help SME owners to view employee data and monitor employee attendance/permission. The methodology used for designing this system was study literature, interviews with employees and small-medium enterprise owners, and System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The benefit of this research is that it helps SME owners to view employee data and monitor employee attendance/permits. Employee Management Application for Small Medium Enterprise

Employee psychological contract is the subjective understandings and expectations of employees to mutual responsibilities and obligations in the relationship between individual and enterprise. [1] It
plays an important regulative role in subjective wishes and actual organizational performance and provides direct influence for internal cognitive source

Being in the economic transition period, and the economic transformation and the entrance of
WTO have made the relationship between enterprise and employees change in many aspects. Nowadays, the essential of competition among enterprises is the competition of talents, so that it is very important to study the relationship between employee psychological contract and job satisfaction. It provides a beneficial reference for human resources management of enterprises in our country, especially for controlling the drain of talent, strengthening the cohesion of staff and establishing cohesion between enterprise and employee, and it also has theoretical value and practical significance for enterprise to form the core competitiveness of sustainable development

The research conducts exploratory factor analysis by extracting factors with principal-components method and rotating factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 with varimax. The conclusions are as follows. First, there are two facets which are organization obligation and employee obligation in employee psychological contract, and both of them include three factors: transactional obligation, relational obligation and developmental obligation. Organization obligation and employee obligation respectively accounts for 66.149% and 63.422% of the total variance. Secondly, job satisfaction consists of five factors which are job itself, working payback, working group, working condition and enterprise management, and they account for 64.830% of the total variance. Thirdly, all the factor loading of three scales are greater than 0.50, and each factor has specific meaning and better interpretability.
Fourthly, the results of exploratory factor analysis indicate that questionnaires have nicer structure

 Enhanced Employee Experience: The EMS puts the employee at the center of the system, empowering them to manage their own information, request leaves, access performance feedback, and engage with their peers. This self-service approach improves employee satisfaction and reduces the administrative burden on HR teams.

Real-time Insights and Analytics: With the EMS, you gain access to real-time data and analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making. Generate reports, track trends, and identify patterns to gain valuable insights into your workforce. From identifying high-performing employees to spotting areas for improvement, the EMS equips you with the information you need to drive organizational success.

In conclusion, the Employee Management System is a game-changer for modern businesses. By leveraging the power of the MERN stack, this application offers a comprehensive solution for managing employees efficiently and effectively. From streamlining HR processes to improving employee engagement, the EMS has the potential to transform your organization. Embrace the future of employee management and unlock the full potential of your workforce with the Employee Management System.


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