Mask-Free Face Recognition Via Feature Rectification

Mask-Free Face Recognition Via Feature Rectification

Face recognition under ideal conditions is now considered a well-solved problem with advances in deep learning. Recognizing faces under occlusion, however, still remains a challenge. Existing techniques often fail to recognize faces with both the mouth and nose covered by a mask, which is now very common under the COVID-19 pandemic. Common approaches to tackle this problem include 1) discarding information from the masked regions during recognition and 2) restoring the masked regions before recognition. Very few works considered the consistency between features extracted from masked faces and from their mask-free counterparts. This resulted in models trained for recognizing masked faces of-ten showing degraded performance on mask-free faces. In this paper, we propose a unified framework, named Face Feature Rectification Network (FFR-Net), for recognizing both masked and mask-free faces alike. We introduce rectification blocks to rectify features extracted by a state-of-the-art recognition model, in both spatial and channel dimensions, to minimize the distance between a masked face and its mask-free counterpart in the rectified feature space. Experiments show that our unified framework can learn a rectified feature space for recognizing both masked and mask-free faces effectively, achieving state-of-the-art results. Mask-Free Face Recognition Via Feature Rectification


So, how does the Face Mask Deductor work? Let’s dive into its features and functionality:

1. Real-time Face Detection: Powered by advanced computer vision algorithms, the Face Mask Deductor can accurately identify and track human faces in real-time. This means that whether you’re in a crowded place or simply walking down the street, our application will detect faces swiftly and efficiently.

2. Face Mask Recognition: Once a face is detected, the Face Mask Deductor utilizes machine learning models to recognize whether the person is wearing a face mask or not. This intelligent feature ensures that everyone is adhering to safety guidelines and helps authorities monitor compliance effortlessly.

3. User-Friendly Interface: Our React-based application boasts a clean and intuitive user interface, making it easy for users to navigate and interact with the system. With just a few clicks, you can access real-time data and generate reports, allowing for seamless monitoring and analysis.

one critical measure against infection is wearing masks. This measure poses a huge challenge to the existing face recognition systems by introducing heavy occlusions. In this paper, we propose an effective masked face recognition system. To alleviate the challenge of mask occlusion, we first exploit RetinaFace to achieve robust masked face detection and alignment. Secondly, we propose a deep CNN network for masked face recognition trained by minimizing ArcFace loss together with a local consistency regularization (LCR) loss. This facilitates the network to simultaneously learn globally discriminative face representations of different identities together with locally consistent representations between the non-occluded faces and their counterparts wearing synthesized facial masks. The experiments on the masked LFW dataset demonstrate that the proposed system can produce superior masked face recognition performance over multiple state-of-the-art methods. The proposed method is implemented in a portable Jetson Nano device which can achieve real-time masked face recognition.

Automated face recognition is a widely adopted machine learning technology for contactless identification of people in various processes such as automated border control, secure login to electronic devices, community surveillance, tracking school attendance, workplace clock in and clock out. Using face masks have become crucial in our daily life with the recent world-wide COVID-19 pandemic. The use of face masks causes the performance of conventional face recognition technologies to degrade considerably. The effect of mask-wearing in face recognition is yet an understudied issue. In this paper, we address this issue by evaluating the performance of a number of face recognition models which are tested by identifying masked and unmasked face images. We use six conventional machine learning algorithms, which are SVC, KNN, LDA, DT, LR and NB, to find out the ones which perform best, besides the ones which poorly perform, in the presence of masked face images. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is utilized as the feature extraction operator. We generated and used synthesized masked face images. We prepared unmasked, masked, and half-masked training datasets and evaluated the face recognition performance against both masked and unmasked images to present a broad view of this crucial problem. We believe that our study is unique in elaborating the mask-aware facial recognition with almost all possible scenarios including half_masked-to-masked and half_masked-to-unmasked besides evaluating a larger number of conventional machine learning algorithms compared the other studies in the literature.


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