Django Python Projects 2023

Online Crime Awareness and Registration System

Online Crime Awareness and Registration System

This paper deals with crime awareness and crime registration systems using a chatbot with voice recognition. Here the system demonstrates the awareness of crime by displaying various blogs, crime rates and the news related to crime. Our chatbot-based web service provides a platform for reporting crimes, gathering information about various types of crimes, and collecting various verification documents from victims so that the information provided may be cross-verified by authorities. It contains many online forms for filing complaints, which can serve as additional sources of information for authorities so that they can respond quickly based on the information provided. Using this tool, we seek to provide quick and user-friendly means for registering complaints and informing individuals about the legal system. The complaint registration system allows users to file complaints, and it uses a custom named entity recognition model to extract structured information like location, time, and crime type from unstructured complaints, allowing authorities to comprehend complaints more effectively and efficiently. As a result, we are using Natural Language Processing (NLP) for societal good. Online Crime Awareness and Registration System


Let’s take a closer look at some of the key features and benefits of this groundbreaking application:

requency [10] and robustness to high input THz power [11]. For sub-micron Si MOSFETs to detect sub-
millimeter THz waves, FETs are generally integrated with antennas considering THz wavelength. At this point, careful MOSFET device design considering its input impedance and matching of the antenna is one of the most important issues in high-performance plasmonic THz detectors based on antenna
integrated MOSFET. Although a high input impedance of FET is preferable for high responsivity in quasi-static RF analysis [12], it is difficult to realize antenna with ideal power matching because of high impedance [13]. Moreover, the width of the feeding line should become smaller for higher impedance, which results in performance variation by narrow margin of process tolerance. Thus, low-impedance FET can be a promising candidate for wideband multi-pixel detector with uniformly enhanced responsivity by characterizing its impedance exactly pursuing real-time large-area THz imaging. In spite of its significance, the systematic experimental investigations of Si MOSFET impedance in THz regime have not been reported yet

Improved Community Engagement: The Online Complaint Registration Django Application promotes community engagement by giving residents a platform to voice their concerns. By utilizing this application, you become an active participant in the betterment of your community. Your feedback and complaints contribute to the overall improvement of services, infrastructure, and the quality of life in your neighborhood.

Data-Driven Decision Making: The application generates valuable data regarding the frequency and nature of complaints. This data can be analyzed by authorities to identify patterns, prioritize issues, and make data-driven decisions for future improvements. By using this application, you become an essential part of the data collection process, enabling authorities to better allocate resources and address the most pressing issues effectively.

In conclusion, the Online Complaint Registration Django Application is a game-changer when it comes to reporting and resolving common community issues such as street light problems, water pipe leakage, rainwater drainage issues, and road reconstruction. By harnessing the power of technology, this application empowers residents to make their voices heard and actively participate in the betterment of their communities.

So, the next time you come across a problem that needs attention, don’t hesitate to use the Online Complaint Registration Django Application. Together, let’s create communities that are safe, well-maintained, and thriving for everyone.

Performance enhancement of Si MOSFET-based plasmonic THz detector has been demonstrated with monolithic integrated antenna and the impedance range of Si MOSFET presented in THz regime using 0.2-THz measurement system. Significant effects of FET and antenna input impedances on the detecting performance provide the guideline to design FET plasmonic THz detectors in low impedance range based on the enhancement of plasmonic channel electron density.


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