Django Python Projects 2023

How do I do a not equal in Django Queryset filtering with code example?

In Django queryset filtering, you can use the exclude() method to perform a not equal operation on a specific field. The exclude() method returns a queryset that excludes the objects matching the specified conditions. Here’s an example of how to use it:

Assuming you have a model named Person with a field named age, and you want to exclude people whose age is not equal to a certain value, you can do it like this:

from yourapp.models import Person

# Filter out people whose age is not equal to 25
not_equal_age_people = Person.objects.exclude(age=25)

# Iterate through the queryset to see the results
for person in not_equal_age_people:
print(, person.age)

In this example, the exclude() method is used to retrieve all Person objects whose age is not equal to 25. You can replace age=25 with the condition you want to use for inequality.

Remember that you can chain multiple conditions using the exclude() method. For instance, if you want to exclude people whose age is not equal to 25 and whose gender is not ‘Male’, you can do:

not_equal_age_and_gender_people = Person.objects.exclude(age=25, gender='Male')

By chaining conditions with exclude(), you can construct complex queries to filter out objects that don’t match certain criteria.


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