360 degree program in screening, training and assessing workers in live working

360 degree program in screening, training and assessing workers in live working

The Portuguese Distribution System Operator is going to assess all of the workers who want to undertake any form of live working in the network. Nowadays, in Portugal these workers belong to DSO outsourcing contractors. The work here presented is about how the outsourcing companies can screen, train and evaluate their workers, both with experience and without experience, and to ensure the selected ones can acquire the qualification. This process requires the human resources division of the company, as well as supervisors and/or managers of the workers to apply a set of evaluation scores which include, Academic Qualification, Professional Training, Professional Experience, and the strategic relevance of each worker for the company. 360 degree program in screening, training and assessing workers in live working


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Following the worldwide tendency, in recent years the energy sector in Portugal was unprecedentedly privatized and deregulated, in parallel with other market-orientated reforms. As commercial entities, there is a need for these newly-privatized companies to concentrate on core business activities and maxImIze financial rewards for their shareholders. In order to maXimize organizational performances and business goals, the demand to carry out live work is growing for distribution system operators. One major benefit for live work is to avoid interruptions of energy supplies to the end users. As there is now an increasing emphasis for a reliable and continuing electrical supply and in order to maintain cost
competitiveness, the amount of live working activities outsourced to contractors has also increased.

An assessment evaluating the workers’ competence in live work is developed by the Portuguese Distribution System Operator (DSO) in order to reduce accidents and incidents. This assessment comprises a working group to assess the workers’ competences in various aspects, such as technical
background, knowledge, skills, experiences and/or a combination of them. Along with assessing relevant technical capabilities, live workers also need to possess a wide range of “behaviour” that can ensure their safety as well as a high level of productivity during live work. They consist an acute sense of responsibility, skills to apply knowledge into practice, a great breadth and depth of experience, high quality and standards in past performances, high level of self-awareness, capacities to cope with change, and analytical thinking and communication skills

This work shows the supreme significance of a well-structure screening programme to ensure an adequate selection of the right personnel with the sufficient knowledge and best behaviours to acquire the qualification. An excellent training company must develop tailor-made guidance and criteria that
the companies involved in the electrical distribution network can apply in selecting their employees who may be involved with live work

The work presented is about how the Distribution System Operator’ outsourcing contractors can screen their personnel to be qualified as live worker. This qualification is given to the live workers after technical and non-technical assessment done an independent working group. This screening process is
realized by a professional training company who select the best candidates based on workers’ academic qualification, professional training, professional experience and the strategic relevance of each worker for his company.

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