Smart Automated Garbage Management System to Replace Human Labour

Smart Automated Garbage Management System to Replace Human Labour

In India, nearly about 0.1 million tons of garbage is being dumped in municipal garbage dumping area per day. This garbage mainly consists of peels of fruits and vegetables, animal skins, used papers, plastic carry bags, batteries, metal scraps and many other materials. Smart garbage management system has to be there to manage and process this huge amount of garbage. This garbage management process also consists the process of differentiation between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, which is being done by labours by their own hand in dumping areas. This is very unhygienic and can cause deadly disease to them. In this proposed work, we are introducing a system where this sorting and gathering of garbage can be performed by an integrated system consists of electronic robotic arm combinedly functioned with electronic sensors, which will be placed upon a movable chassis and will get operated remotely through Wi-Fi connectivity. Thus, the workers who work in municipal dumping grounds, no longer require to come in direct contact with harmful and toxic waste materials. So, they can perform their duties being health conscious and maintaining hygiene. Smart Automated Garbage Management System to Replace Human Labour


Garbage Management System Django

The environment should be clean and hygienic for better life leads in India. In the present scenario, many times it is seen that the garbage bins or dust bin are placed at public places in the cities are overflowing due to increase in the waste every day. These overflowed garbage bins can create an obnoxious smell and make an unhygienic environment. This leads to the rapid growth of bacteria and
viruses which can cause different types of diseases. The proposed system shall overcome such
problems by alerting the status of garbage bins as well as helps to keep dry and wet garbage separately so that different processes- composting, recycling, incineration shall be applied to different kinds of garbage

have researched waste collection management solution based on providing intelligence to waste bins, using an IoT prototype with sensors. It can read, collect, and transmit huge volume of data over the Internet. Such data, when put into a spatiotemporal context and processed by intelligent and optimized algorithms, can be used to dynamically manage waste collection mechanism [1]. S. Kanta et al. worked on efficient garbage collection systems with wireless sensor network and mores focus on IoT [2]. S. Kumar et al. worked on the system which checks the waste level over the dustbins by using Sensor systems. Once it detected immediately this system alerts to concern authorized through GSM/GPRS [3]. A. Arber et al. have analyzed a distributed cross-layer commit protocol (CLCP) for data aggregations and its support for query based search for IoT application [4].

Singh et al. proposed a methodology with use of Infrared sensors to gather real time data from the waste
bins and that of Raspberry Pi2Development Board to communicate this information to the waste managers [7]. F. Fulianto et al. presented a system that identifies fullness of litter bin. The system was designed to collect data and to deliver the data through wireless mesh network [8]. P. Shrivastava et al. have done a review and comparison on various GIS models suggested for solid waste management
[9]. Al Mamun et al.


The proposed system ‘IoT based Garbage Management (monitor and acknowledgement) System’
shall provide the smart solution regarding overflowing of garbage bins. This system shall be beneficial in keeping dry and wet garbage separately so that different processes- composting, recycling, incineration shall be applied to different kinds of garbage. By intimating the notification of garbage filled, the use of the garbage collecting vehicle shall be optimized. By keeping the environment clean, contribution shall be given to the society for ‘Clean India Concepts