smart hospital card swiping and scheduling system

smart hospital card swiping and scheduling system

In order to avoid violating current regulations in planning hospital, this research designed a set of personnel management system that can maintain the original scheduling model and comply with regulations. This study uses the fast reading and low-cost characteristics of QR Code technology to replace paper clocks, and uses system clocking time records as the basis for staff attendance assessment to reduce manual input errors and reduce the proailty about inaccurate manual attendance audits. This system has the following two functions: 1. The reminder abnormal input for shift schedule. 2. Automatic calculation of staff attendance hours. In addition to reducing human input error of of staff attendance hours, this system can also improve administrative efficiency and replace manual tasks to complete automation. smart hospital card swiping and scheduling system

The automation systems are imp lemented in hospitals and medical centers to provide an optimal
working at mosphere for health care p rofessionals. One of the main roles of such systems is quick access
to accurate health data. Such programs should provide a network of information that attains
processes and stores information for the patient to fulfill those specifications. There can be several
sources from which patient-related information can be obtained: the patient himself, patient-related test
reports, electronic patient tracking services, patient- related assessments by doctors and patient records
already stored. Besides the symptoms of suspected disease, the physician needs to be able to retrieve the
patient’s previous specifics during his examination. The standard way to get specific medical data is by
linking to the hospital portal. Due to the h igh data rate, simu ltaneous access to databases from various
terminals located in the examination rooms can cause performance problems in some circu mstances. For other situations, patient data may be required in an area where there is no network co mmun ication
facility (for example , an ambu lance) or at another hospital where there is no registered patient.

Medical information is an ever-increasing source of informat ion provided by hospitals consisting of
patient records in the process of paperwork, that can also be processed simp ler and faster with Qu ick
Response Code (QRC) technology. Our main goal is to develop a Smart Health Card android application
that will provide services such as Medical Reports, Prescriptions, Medical History of the user, and Smart
card with generated QR code for each user based on their updated information on the cloud database.
It is very error-prone for hospital ad min istrators to keep track o f all the health activit ies and records.
It’s a method that is very costly, and t ime-consuming. The collection and maintenance of various medical data are incredibly unreliab le. Even maintaining the records on paper is not so economically and technically feasible. Through this system, low cost and efficient automat ion of the current system will be ensured because in our daily life every smartphone user is making payments digitally by using QR code technology. Hence, people are very much interactive with QR code-based applications. Likewis e, this application is also imp lemented with QR code technology to share and access medical data and
reports of any user by securely scanning QR code. User health informat ion and reports are automatically shared and accessed by any doctor or healthcare provider using the QR code image.

The proposed system has integrated with various services (med ical reports, prescriptions, medical bills,
and medical h istory) those are easy to use and will contribute as a useful model for personal health
monitoring. To th is end, this research work creates an android application with cloud storage that includes the login verification to authenticate each user to access their account, containing all personal data and health records. The data will then be stored in the cloud database, and a QR-coded smart card will be created in the profile containing the proper information.

In our country, the lack of patient prior medical informat ion at a part icular instance of time may be
leading to med ical errors and patient death. So, to reduce the med ical errors it has been decided to
implement an application with a personal smart health card for every user with his/her med ical
informat ion. The user has to maintain all his/her personal and med ical data in the cloud database. In
any emergency, the person has to be identified very quickly and he/she needs immediate med ical
attention by accessing previous medical informat ion by scanning QR code which is printed on the smart
card. This approach will be flexib le and efficient for all users, clin ics, and pharmacies because the user has just to show his/her smart card to the health care providers. Finally, the tips and suggestions from the doctor are notified to the patient account after treatment. It is always required to enhance this
proposed model with physical cards and reminders for the prescribed medicines in future


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