Intelligent Management System for Sports Activities Based schedule

Intelligent Management System for Sports Activities Based schedule

Aiming at the problems of low enthusiasm for running sports, low efficiency of sports activities management, and lack of channels for mass participation and management of sports activities, the establishment of an efficient and interconnected sports management system is an effective solution. This article uses the literature method to study the design of sports management system, analyzes the status quo of sports activity management system research at home and abroad, and designs a process framework for managing sports activities based on a mobile computer platform, and finally discusses how to use information technologies such as ASP.NET technology, blockchain, and big data in the system to ensure system user information security, fair and open competition data, fast statistics of activity results, analysis of users’ exercise level and physical fitness, and push users’ interests Sports activities information and other functions. Intelligent Management System for Sports Activities Based schedule 


Signal segmentation is one of the most important processes in the activity recognition process. So far, windowing approaches is one of the commonly used segmentation technique to segment the data. The window size used to segment the data usually chosen based on the previous study and the effect of the activity recognition performance with the changes of window size is still vague and uncertain. Thus, in this study, we investigate the effect of different window size in segmentation process for common sports activity recognition. The study was conducted on ten subjects who wore a sensor from Gait Up called as Physilogic OR 4 Silver inertial sensor on their chest while performing several common sports activities such as stationary, walking, jogging, sprinting, and jumping. Three common used classifiers which are Decision Trees, k-Neighbor Nearest and Support Vector Machine were evaluated. Among the different ranges of window sizes tested, it was found that 2.5 seconds window size represents the best trade-off in recognition of common sports activity, with an obtained accuracy above 90%. From the result, it indicates that the selection of window size in segmentation process can affect the accuracy in detecting the common sports activity. The preferably employed window size in detecting the common sports activity is determined.

Customizable Notifications
Not only can you send real-time updates, but you can also customize your notifications to suit your team’s needs. Whether you prefer email notifications, push notifications, or both, a React app allows you to choose how your team receives the information. This flexibility ensures that everyone stays informed in the way that works best for them.

Interactive Calendar
Visualizing your sports activities schedule is made easy with the interactive calendar feature in the React app. You can view the schedule by day, week, or month, making it convenient to plan ahead and manage conflicting events. The calendar also allows you to color-code different activities, making it easy to distinguish between games, practices, and other events.

Attendance Tracking
One of the key features of a sports activities schedule conducted in a React app is the ability to track attendance. You can easily keep tabs on who will be present for each activity, allowing you to plan accordingly and make any necessary adjustments. This feature is especially valuable for coaches and team managers who need to ensure they have a full team for practices and games.

User-Friendly Interface
A React app is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. Even those who are not tech-savvy can navigate through the app effortlessly, ensuring that everyone can participate in keeping track of the schedule.

Incorporating a sports activities schedule conducted in a React app will revolutionize the way you manage and organize your team’s schedule. With efficient schedule management, real-time updates, customizable notifications, interactive calendar, attendance tracking, and a user-friendly interface, this tool will take your team’s coordination and communication to the next level.


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